"I connected and reconnected with community members and organizations to share my mission to help deliver families from the injustice of unnecessary child removals: Mr. Roy Dawson, the Exec. Dir. of the Arizona Center for African American Resources (AZCAAR), who I had known for most of my life, was very involved in helping our community, especially in the juvenile justice space. I learned there were ongoing conversations over many years, yet this data did not change. I felt it was time for action, and Mr. Dawson and others began connecting me to families with nowhere to turn for sufficient help to bring their children home or stop them from being removed."
"Much of our work is helping families deal with the crisis of child removal, especially when that removal may have been unnecessary. Our larger goal is to help our community respond to families’ needs with compassion and understanding. If we can be better neighbors to each other and our families, we will have access to the support they need. We hope this will help return the family to a place where children are safe and loved—where dreams are nurtured, and that invites opportunity."
Read the full article here: http://voyagephoenix.com/interview/exploring-life-business-with-matthew-stewart-of-our-sister-our-brother/